Netcasts »


Tech news

The TWiT Netcast Network: Entertaing netcasts for technology geeks.


SW Engineering

Software Engineering Radio: The highest quality netcast for SW engineers.

Heise Developer: If it wasn't for SE-Radio this is the one. (German)

Hanselminutes: Microsoft touch. He always ask the right questions.

This Developers's Life: Stories about developers.



Biochemistry Revealed: The fundamentals for everyone.

This Week in Virology: A weekly conversation. Entertaining and enlightening.

This Week in Microbiology: Life is astonishing almost weekly.

This Week in Parasitism: More seldom but worth waiting for.

Brain Science Podcats: For everybody that has a brain.



ITConversations: A variety of interesting conversations. Discontinued :-(

omega tau: Science in your headphones. Thanks to Nora and Markus.